Oh how im lamenting my lack of interweb connectiony speed at home.
Im leaching off my parents WiFi today and posting seems to be a breeze.
Forgive me readers (if there actually are any of you out there left) for I have sinned, its been months since my last post and more than that since I did a craft market or sold a product!
I have been badly neglecting my studio and my poor poor sewing machine.
Ive just been working so hard trying to make some money to keep the bills paid and food in the fridge i dont seem to have any time left for my fave things, and when i do................well all i want to do is rest and relax.
Also as it is the silly season, things have been very sily busy, 2 out of town weddings, a hens, xmas partys and a graduation all in the last 3 weeks..............phew im exhausted just thinking about it!