Miss Clover has been coming along quite nicely this weekend, i got quite cross with her at the start because i just could not get the dress right and she was so fidgetty but its done now and the process of embellishment begins, she still has a way to go but im so pleased with how pretty she has turned out that i wanted to share before i enter her in the Make - A - Long comp.
Miss Clover is a huge Emily Dickinson fan, her name is Emily and she also dreams of being a poet. Here she is taking inspiration from Miss Dickinson's words and indulging in Dreams and Revery in a field of clover and bees and of course her trusty poetry book which she takes with her everywhere
She's beautiful Nicola. I love the bee!
She really is divine! She looks like Emily Dickinson too! I totally LOVE the book. :) K
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